Recorded Summer, 1993
Released Summer, 1993
Community Chest Records
150 Copies – Cassette Tape / White Sleeve / Black Tape
The BiG MiSTAKE SUMMER TOUR RIP-OFF TAPE was made to support a quick tour of the Southern
United States in 1993. Records sold well, but making cassette tapes for cheap and being able to toss them out while to the crowd while on the road was a great promotional tool – as well as a big favorite with new fans.
Since time was short, the release was recorded in Gabe’s attic with the help of his father George, the founder of Sling Slang Records.
Recorded in a weekend and mixed in the following weekend, this tape captured the gritty underside of BiG MiSTAKE. The six songs were ideas that may not have been fully polished, some never materialized beyond the tape, others became full frameworks of songs that appeared on the full length CD release “i”, released in 1994 .
The tapes were duplicated DIY style by all the members of the band. That being said, some of the tapes sounded better than the others. There are vocals by 4 out of the 5 members on this tape: Gabe, Ted, Jen and Rob.
This tape is hard to find, yet there are still a few in storage. And good luck finding a cassette player too.
Tribute to Raygun
Dance All Day
Untitled #4